Active Diapason Antenna 1090 MHz

Mat. No: 68205


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Product description

Active High Performance ADS-B Antenna 1090 MHz with 2.5 dBi gain; LNA amplifier, ca. 21 dB gain.

For remote antenna setups to compensate for associated cable losses.

Note: When using low loss coax cables the high gain of this antenna may lead to an overload of the input stage or dynamic range of your RTL820T2 dongle. In such cases be aware that you have to reduce the gain or eventually will find even some performance degradation.

We offer the antenna in a variant with a bias tee.

For operation an additional SMA-SMA-cable is required.
Please visit our cable offers and our Bundles.

This antenna can be used outdoors.

Dimensions: D= 25,2/ 32 x 210 mm

Design by F1OPA and F5ANN

Delivery contents

  • Active Diapason Antenna 1090 MHz

  • USB cable

  • Aluminum mast clamp