The reception range of your FLARM device can be of crucial importance. The earlier you recognize other aircraft equipped with FLARM, the greater your situational awareness of what is happening around you. The extended reaction time gives you added security.
The most important features of our FLARM Hardware:
- FLARM Antennas: Our FLARM-capable Antennas are characterized by high performance. Depending on the Antenna type, our design ensureshigh gain, low losses and outstanding noise figure.
- FLARM Boosters: Whether stationary or in an airplane, increase the reception range up to four times (4x). In the air, the FLARM BOOSTER increases safety considerably, as you will recognize other FLARM aircraft much earlier.
- FLARM Filters: If neighboring transmitters interfere with your reception, this accessory will help. The high-quality components used ensure low damping.
- Bias Tees: If your active Antenna is too far away from the DC source, our bias tee will help. It loops the supply voltage into the Antenna cable directly at the receiver (transmitter).