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Our antennas were developed exclusively for jetvision shop by experienced radio amateurs and reputable labs. We either manufacture them by ourselves or are working in close cooperation with their factory.

Our own quality assurance ensures a design without compromises and highest quality and performance. These products constitute the best-in-class solution for ADS-B antennas.

Two types of antennas are available, either with or without preamplifier.
Our “Active Diapason” Antenna is an optimum solution when long antenna cables (from ca. 20 m cable length) are required. Cable losses will be compensated adequately and reception quality will be maintained. This antenna is also recommended for low performance receivers.

If no amplification is required, in special when using short or medium distance (up to ca. 15 m cable length) low loss cables with our Radarcape and Mode-S Beast we recommend our “A3 ADS-B” Antenna.

The “SCO-1090-MCX” Antenna is suggested for a direct connection to our Diamond Crown ADS-B Dongle.

Please note that our cables end up in a SMA male connector and eventually require an adapter to fit into the input connector of the receiver (which is MCX for the Dongles and BNC for the miniADSB).

All our antennas are offered as bundles mit cables and/or ADS-B receivers, too.

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